This Saturday our game will be played at Auburn Golf Course at 6.30am. We will be playing stableford. We look forward to catching up and finally playing some golf.

Our next golf game will be at Woodville golf course on September 17 at 7.30am.

We came close to getting a game in at our last game in at Auburn Golf Course. We had 18 brave starters hoping the course would be in reasonable condition. Unfortunately, the course was sloppy and unplayable in parts. Twelve players played out the eighteen holes and the day will not be recorded as an official game. We are fortunate that the weather is promising for this coming weekend.

As previously mentioned, we will not be playing for our perpetual trophies for the remainder of the year, due to the number of games being lost to weather.

Our competition for this Woodville game will be a “2 ball best ball”. On the scorecard you will have a playing partner. Basically you still play your individual game scoring stableford. On the scorecard you will record each playing partners individual stableford score and in a third column record the highest of the two scores. If both players scores are the same, record that score.

There will be the usual nearest the pins and drive and pitches.

Bruce Farquhar has submitted a report / update on our September weekend of golf at Muswellbrook (see below). Bruce and Pete Kennedy have been busy over the last few weeks preparing for the weekend. Thanks to both of you for your efforts. If you are still interested in joining us for the weekend, please see Bruce or Pete today.

Our competition last game was a “2 ball best ball” event at Woodville. Unfortunately a few of our golfers were forced to pull out due to cold and flu illnesses. We were however also fortunate to welcome three new golfers to the group. It was therefore decided that we would run two events for the day, being the “2 ball best ball” event (for the five groups that were allocated) as well as an individual stableford event (for everyone else).

Our next golf game at Sefton that was scheduled for Saturday, 23 July 2022 has been CANCELLED due the course being closed as a result of the recent bad weather. We look forward to seeing you all again in August (hopefully!).